Daily Devotionals

may 31, 2021

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,

       that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.

 Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us,

       for as many years as we have seen trouble.

 May your deeds be shown to your servants,

       your splendor to their children.

 May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us;

       establish the work of our hands for us—

       yes, establish the work of our hands.


Psalm 90:14-17

What does it mean “To establish the works of our hands”? The Message by Eugene Peterson paraphrases verse 17 as “Confirm the work that we do, affirm the work that we do!” For many of us, the work we do just disappears from view. Laundry is worn and put back in the hamper (we hope), meals are consumed, the lawn is mowed and just keeps growing. Homework is done, and more homework comes in its place. Numbers are crunched, and more numbers come streaming in. Music is sung or played and can no longer be heard. Words are preached or read and pass from memory. The work of our hands can feel so temporary.


What do you do every day with your hands? We are coming out of a year where we felt nervous about touch and about other people’s hands. But now we are emerging into a new world because of the vaccine. What did you do today with those hands of yours? You got ready with those hands, you fixed a meal, you drove your car, and you changed the channel. But you also did more significant things with those hands. You embraced someone, opened a door for someone, and touched someone on the shoulder to show you cared. You might have held hands with another to pray or helped a child to get ready for school. You wrote and typed and texted and talked on the phone with those hands. You did business. Or maybe with your hands you sent out another resume and job application with hope and prayer. Maybe you filled an order and sent it off, corrected a problem for someone, made a donation, or wrote a note of encouragement. You texted a child to say “I love you” or to let your spouse know you would be home soon. You cleaned up a mess so someone else would not have to. Your hands did so much to show where your heart and mind were today.  This work of your hands was as unique as you are.


The Psalmist longs for the work of his hands and his community to be confirmed and affirmed. If you have ever done work and not been thanked, you know that feeling of wanting your work to be noticed, acknowledged, and appreciated. God sees the work of our hands. He can use our work to build up families and workplaces and communities. God affirms the work of our hands, especially when we are aligned and conformed and transformed by Him.


What is the ongoing work of God? It is to care for our world and our communities, to share the good news of Jesus and His saving work, to alleviate suffering, to bring about God’s justice, to bring health and joy, to create, to glorify God, and to pour ourselves out in service to the One who confirms the work of our hands. When we set our hands to do God’s work, that work is always confirmed and affirmed by Him.

For Reflection

What did your hands do today?

How did the work of your hands combine with God’s work in the world?


O Lord, we know that You created us to do Your work, to be Your hands in this world. Awaken us to the reality that the work of our hands can be Your work. Lord, we ask now that You bless our work as we move through our days. May Your presence fill and inspire all that we do. Amen!

Rev. Vicki Franch
Pastor for Pastoral Care